Wednesday, October 31, 2007

My Explanation

One Saturday morning I decided to visit the Church of God with my friend who had been inviting me for months. Because she was extremely excited to have been going there, I became curious to find out what exactly did they believe in. So one Saturday morning I gave in and went with her to "the Sabbath" service.

So, we went into the sanctuary and began to sing the new songs before the service began. I was singing along until I saw and heard "CHRIST AHNSAHNGHONG".

I think I had tachycardia at that moment... my hands began to sweat and my mind was going crazy. I thought, "oh my goodness , my friend is in a cult! What am I doing here?! Where's the exit?!..." I couldn't run out so I waited to the end, and then I lashed out on my friend. "What is this place? why are you coming here? you're only supposed to worship JESUS Christ!!! Ahhhh!" I was very upset to say the least.

long story short... One of the teachers sat down with me and showed me Hebrews 9:28 saying that Christ has to appear a second time in the flesh before judgement day (you should read this with me). So I was like, "alright, but that doesn't prove to me that Ahnsahnghong is the second coming Christ and that he was supposed change his name."

Eventhough I was so confused and disturbed, I gave the teacher a chance to explain because never had I had someone in any other church be so quick to answer my questions. Then she showed me Rev 3:11-12 where in latter part of verse twelve it says that when He comes he will give us His new name. So i tried to put what she showed me together and it actually made sense. The only time Christ would need a name would be if He comes in the flesh, and that's when she showed me Rev 2:17. The verse says that Christ will give us a white stone with a new name on it... my first question was, "then, what is the white stone?" because it didn't think it meant literally give us an actual stone...
( side note: I thought It was pretty cool how she just put verses together to answer my questions)
... 1Peter 2:4 explains that the stone is Christ --God in the flesh--, so, what Christ meant in Rev 2:17 is that Jesus will come again in the flesh and He has to give us a new name... so, I figured if it's a new name, it has to be anything other than 'Jesus'... so, that was my first experience in the Church of God. It was a bumpy ride, but I guess if you just believe what the Bible says then your questions will be answered thru the Bible, if you doubt the Word of God then you'll always find yourself questioning.
Well, I'll let you know the update on my experience a little later... See ya soon.


Short144 said...

I had such a similar experience when I first came to the Church of God World Mission Society. I had no idea why they were singing to Ahnsahnghong, but when I studied the Bible it cleared everything up. The best thing to do is to study.

James said...

Don't feel bad. Your experience is actually common. 99.9% of the world has never heard of Ahn Sahng Hong before. But, what He did was already prophecied about in the Bible for thousands of years. Only Christ can fulfill prophecy :) It sounds like you had all your questions answered. good luck! And keep learning the Bible

CherubAngel said...

i think many of us had a strange experience when we first heard the name of AhnSahngHong..its usually because people object to what they dont know as i did..until i saw all the prophecies in the Bible that He fulfilled...continue studying and all your questions will be answered just as mine were

ACATHA said...

Church of God is true church^^

Anonymous said...

according to the bible, second coming jesus will appear in the last day.
you have to study about second comimg jesus through the bible.
actually, Ahnsahnghong is our true God.

Flower rain said...

if anyone claims to believe in God but fails to recognize God in the flesh & does not come to him, how can he be saved?
Since we cannot attain salvation except through God, we should press on to know God.

Word of God is like a Sea clear as Crystal

Word of God is like a Sea clear as Crystal