Monday, November 26, 2007

Share the knowledge….

Hosea 4:6… Please read this.
When I went back to study at the World Mission Society Church of God I encountered this verse. This verse made me think a lot. I thought about what I had heard that scared me at the beginning (Ahn sahng hong). I also thought about all the truth that I have learned so far concerning the biblical Sabbath day and the Passover. Everything was right under my nose, per say, and I didn’t know it.
Yesterday I went to study with them and it hurt me so much to realize how much I boasted of what I actually had no idea about. I studied the savior in each age. Wow! That lesson is truly amazing. Because the Jews 2k yrs ago didn’t realize or know their own God that was testified in their Torah to come in the flesh, they killed their savior, Jn 15:18-20. Even though they studied so much, they never acknowledged the power and the ability of their God so that as a result of their ignorance they rejected the fountain of life.
Moreover, we are now living in the age of the Holy Spirit. The age in which God prophesied He will appear a 2nd time to bring salvation and also a new name for his children to call on, Heb. 9:28 & Rev 3:17.
But god never does things to surprise us because the same thing that happen 2kyrs ago is happening now… Amos 3:17, Eccl 3:14.
I wanted to share this with you all because God already said that His own people are destroyed because of lack of knowledge of God. If we don’t press on to know Him, then how can we know His salvation? Besides all the confusion, I want to give thanks to God for allowing to know what I now know.


Blossoms of Life said...

i thought i knew everything too. Even though i studied the bible so much but actually i knew nothing. Christ Ahnsahnghong is the greatest mystery in the bible. Unless we know the bible and know God, there is no way to understand Christ Ahnsahnghong is God. I'm so glad that now I know and now I can say with great faith that Christ Ahnsahnghong is true God Almighty

Xena said...

The entire bible testifies about the coming of 2nd coming Christ.
the old testament and new testament have many prophecies that only true God can explain and fulfill, then only God can do this, but Christ AhnSahngHong explained and fulfill so he must be God almighty.Continue to study.

Anonymous said...

Im so happy to know this amazing truth with you and all the people of World Mission Society. Thanks to God Ahnsahnghong for giving us this blessed truth.

CherubAngel said...

I truly fulfilled that verse that says "though seeing they do not perceive" Although I read the Bible so many times, it might has well beein in a different language since I didnt understand it. But I also give so much thanks to Christ AhnSahngHong b/c he opened my eyes and let me see the true meaning of the Scriptures and not just memorizing them like the Pharisees did.

Seraphin of Sarah said...

Wow I learned that lesson too it was amazing. I was so scared though because I don't want to be like the Jews who studied the bible said they believed in God and then crucify their savior. What ever God says I will believe if I am a true christian. Even though Christ Ahnsahnghong sounds different if the bible proves he is 2nd coming christ then hes 2nd coming christ

Le0511 said...

New Age (Holy Spirit), New Name (Ahnsahnghong), New Covenant (Passover)...who wants to stay w/ the old?? The Jews wanted to stay with the old, can't say Christ was real pleased with them. We should have the faith of the first disciples, asknowleding God through his words in the bible. Not to mention, bible already said what happens if we have no knowledge...

Amethyst said...

yes sister, if you continue studying more you will have no doubts that Christ Ahnsahnghong is True second coming christ. I myself thought he was a false christ like all the others that proclaim to be the christ. But i can see all the proof through the bible that Christ Ahnsahnghong is true God Almighty!

Short144 said...

Yeah, I'm no different than anyone else. I also used to boast, thinking I was better than other people by knowing what I know in the Church of God World Mission Society. However, that's not the mind to have, especially since God could have chosen the next door neighbor to know this truth. Only thru the prophecies can you recognize the savior. When you continue to study, you'll see for sure that Christ Ahnsahnghong is the 2nd Coming Christ.

Word of God is like a Sea clear as Crystal

Word of God is like a Sea clear as Crystal