Monday, December 31, 2007

It is the most wonderful blessing to dwell with God. Specially knowing that I literally dwell with the Almighty Him and Herself in mount Zion.
The truth is always made known here. I truly believe that no one will escape judgment from God on the last day .

I just wanted to let everyone know that the maker of "cult watch", the person behind all the bad things said and published about our Father and Mother has been finally exposed. You can see the video of his wrong doing at Surely he will not escape judgment!
I didn't want to mention it before, but I had looked up the name Ahnsahnghong in the Internet before and I read everything he had to say and it completely threw me off. Everything I had learned at one point I couldn't understand at all, but thanks to Father and Mother I came back and studied more and now I see what a lier and manipulator he is.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Above all things talking about walking with God... as far as people in world know only the disciples walked and worked with God 2kyrs ago. But as far as we know in Zion, the Church of God, WE ARE WALKING AND WORKING WITH GOD IN THE PRESENT TIME.... (so envy me!)

My Father...

"Who has stirred one from the EAST calling HIM in righteousness to His service? He hands nations over to HIM and subdues kings before HIM. HE turns them to dust HIS sword, to windblown chaff with HIS bow. HE purses them and moves unscathed, by a path HIS feet have not traveled before. Who has done this and carried it through, calling forth the generations from the beginning? I, the LORD-- with the first of them and with the last -- I am HE." (Isaiah 41:2-4)

" From the WEST, men will fear the name of the LORD, and from the rising of the sun men will revere HIS glory. For HE will come like a pent-up flood that the breath of the LORD drives along. The Redeemer will come to Zion..."(Isaiah 59: 19-20)

By coming in the east where the sun rises, Our Father has fulfilled prophesy. Now let us fulfill prophesy and give glory to Christ Ahnsahnghong in the west!

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Happy, Happy!! Joy,Joy!!

I just want to express how greatful and happy I am to know true God almighty now. I finally learned about Christ Ahnsahnghong and I just can't deny it. I was so shaken by His new name name when I first came but because I kept studying, now I can't say that i'm confused.
Thank You Father Ahnsahnghong for coming to save me!

Monday, November 26, 2007

Share the knowledge….

Hosea 4:6… Please read this.
When I went back to study at the World Mission Society Church of God I encountered this verse. This verse made me think a lot. I thought about what I had heard that scared me at the beginning (Ahn sahng hong). I also thought about all the truth that I have learned so far concerning the biblical Sabbath day and the Passover. Everything was right under my nose, per say, and I didn’t know it.
Yesterday I went to study with them and it hurt me so much to realize how much I boasted of what I actually had no idea about. I studied the savior in each age. Wow! That lesson is truly amazing. Because the Jews 2k yrs ago didn’t realize or know their own God that was testified in their Torah to come in the flesh, they killed their savior, Jn 15:18-20. Even though they studied so much, they never acknowledged the power and the ability of their God so that as a result of their ignorance they rejected the fountain of life.
Moreover, we are now living in the age of the Holy Spirit. The age in which God prophesied He will appear a 2nd time to bring salvation and also a new name for his children to call on, Heb. 9:28 & Rev 3:17.
But god never does things to surprise us because the same thing that happen 2kyrs ago is happening now… Amos 3:17, Eccl 3:14.
I wanted to share this with you all because God already said that His own people are destroyed because of lack of knowledge of God. If we don’t press on to know Him, then how can we know His salvation? Besides all the confusion, I want to give thanks to God for allowing to know what I now know.

Thursday, November 15, 2007


Hey guys! I know it's been a while and some more. Please forgive me for not keeping in touch.

Cherubangel... I read your post, and i'm glad to say that you were right. Last time I said that I was going to look for the faults. Eventhough I asked my heart out, all my answers were right there in black and white. It is so comforting to see everything for myself and understand everything as well.

Well write more about what I learned tonight... see ya lata.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Next Time

So the next time I went, mind you, I was still a little apprehensive from the first shocker, this is what they said to me, "But now you have to study the basics. learn the commandments of God and then you can realize who God is. If you study the basic commands of God then you will see for yourself who Christ Ahnsahnghong is."
I didn't understand what the laws had anything to do with knowing God and I told them that, so again the girl brought out the bible and showed me a verse in, I think it was in, (hold on I'm looking for it)... Got it! Galatians 3:24 says that the law was made to lead us to Christ. At that moment I realized the reason why even though I said I believed in God I still had a void in me. I Felt I knew Christ, but when I saw this verse I said to myself,
" I have no idea what Christ commanded me, or what is my purpose for anything."
I followed the girl and went to study...
I had never studied about what day we should worship God. Actually that study quenched my spirit because I knew about the Sabbath.
I always wondered how come if the Jews and Christians believe in the same God, then why Jews worship on Saturday the 7th day of the week and Christians worship on Sunday the 1rst day.
It didn't make sense that even though we have the same bible (O.T.) where God spoke the 10 Commandments and which Christians say they live their life by.
I was amazed to see that from gen 2:1-3, the verse everyone knows, that in the creation God only blessed the 7th day and made it for us to receive blessings. Then in
exo 20:8 how God specifically said that we should remember to keep the sabbath day the 7th day of the week ( in my Spanish bible it says directly "Sabado" which means Saturday).
What shocked me the most was that even the dictionary and the calendars that we live our everyday lives by also say that Saturday is the 7th day and not Sunday.
Thus far, everything I've seen was from the bible, and it also makes sense with what I've heard before.
I made an appoint to come again, and I said to myself, "maybe they didn't flinch today, but next time I'll catch them with a flaw."
Let me know if your mind was like mine.


Thanks guys for your comments.
I know that I should study more, and I figured that would be the only way. When the teacher was showing me all those things thru the bible, I could not reject what she was showing me because it was right there in black and white.In no other church had anyone answered me thru the bible, so that really caught my attention. Because of that I felt I had to study more about Ahnsahnghong.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

My Explanation

One Saturday morning I decided to visit the Church of God with my friend who had been inviting me for months. Because she was extremely excited to have been going there, I became curious to find out what exactly did they believe in. So one Saturday morning I gave in and went with her to "the Sabbath" service.

So, we went into the sanctuary and began to sing the new songs before the service began. I was singing along until I saw and heard "CHRIST AHNSAHNGHONG".

I think I had tachycardia at that moment... my hands began to sweat and my mind was going crazy. I thought, "oh my goodness , my friend is in a cult! What am I doing here?! Where's the exit?!..." I couldn't run out so I waited to the end, and then I lashed out on my friend. "What is this place? why are you coming here? you're only supposed to worship JESUS Christ!!! Ahhhh!" I was very upset to say the least.

long story short... One of the teachers sat down with me and showed me Hebrews 9:28 saying that Christ has to appear a second time in the flesh before judgement day (you should read this with me). So I was like, "alright, but that doesn't prove to me that Ahnsahnghong is the second coming Christ and that he was supposed change his name."

Eventhough I was so confused and disturbed, I gave the teacher a chance to explain because never had I had someone in any other church be so quick to answer my questions. Then she showed me Rev 3:11-12 where in latter part of verse twelve it says that when He comes he will give us His new name. So i tried to put what she showed me together and it actually made sense. The only time Christ would need a name would be if He comes in the flesh, and that's when she showed me Rev 2:17. The verse says that Christ will give us a white stone with a new name on it... my first question was, "then, what is the white stone?" because it didn't think it meant literally give us an actual stone...
( side note: I thought It was pretty cool how she just put verses together to answer my questions)
... 1Peter 2:4 explains that the stone is Christ --God in the flesh--, so, what Christ meant in Rev 2:17 is that Jesus will come again in the flesh and He has to give us a new name... so, I figured if it's a new name, it has to be anything other than 'Jesus'... so, that was my first experience in the Church of God. It was a bumpy ride, but I guess if you just believe what the Bible says then your questions will be answered thru the Bible, if you doubt the Word of God then you'll always find yourself questioning.
Well, I'll let you know the update on my experience a little later... See ya soon.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

To my surprise, it's a New Name

"I want to worship God, but what is THIS name?"...

This is what kept running thru my head while in the Sabbath service in the Church of God...

This blog was created for those with a mind like mine. Who might of heard of this "new name" of Christ, Ahnsanghong, and didn't understand.

Word of God is like a Sea clear as Crystal

Word of God is like a Sea clear as Crystal