Tuesday, October 30, 2007

To my surprise, it's a New Name

"I want to worship God, but what is THIS name?"...

This is what kept running thru my head while in the Sabbath service in the Church of God...

This blog was created for those with a mind like mine. Who might of heard of this "new name" of Christ, Ahnsanghong, and didn't understand.


Anonymous said...

i know. I was actually a little scared. i couldn't go back to the church because i didn't have time, and also because i wasn't shure about the teachings... How do you know that name is God's name? i have never seen it in the bible.

Anonymous said...

Well if you think about it 2,000 years ago (before the exsistance of the new testiment) the people didnt recognize Jesus because no where in the Old Testiment does it say Jesus's name!

Le0511 said...

Yea, me too. I never seen it in the bible, however, a good point was brought up to me. When was the last time I saw the name "Jesus Christ" in the Old Testament Bible...never really. It was a new name to the people of that time also. So I guess the name Christ Ahnsahnghong is a new name to us in these times. As in the times of Jesus, we should study the bible to understand this new name.

Seraphin of Sarah said...

Wow im glad to see that someone felt the way I did. The only thing I couldn't deny was that everything I was shown was in the bible. Actually before Jesus came his name wasn't in the bible it was stated as immanuel in isaiah 7:14 but the name he used was jesus the only way to know it was God was to see if he fulfilled the prophecy. But in rev.3:11-12 Jesus himself said that he would come with a new name that means it could be any name but Jesus. So what I did was keep studying to find out more and it was so true its all in the bible it was unbelievable. Trust me give it another shot you definetely wont regret it i thank God every day for letting me be curious enough to stay.

lovemessenger1004 said...

I have an experience like you. When I participated in the sabbath serivice time, I saw new name in the book of new song. At that time
I was confused too much. However, I studied about trinity and new name of jesus.
We are living in the age of Holy Spirit. We must call the new name of jesus.
We can realize him as our savior, god through the bible!!!!^^

Anonymous said...

yeah! i totaly agree at first when i heard the name of CHRIST AHNSAHNGHONG i had the same reaction "when am i going to learn about AHNSAHNGHONG !" but as soon i study HOW he was going to come, i was shocked then i realize that without understandind the "LAW" first i would have not been able to be let to christ ahnsahnghongn true GOD and savior. i will live to testify christ ahnsahnghong.

Anonymous said...

two weeks was my first sabbath that i keept in my life at first elisa told me that it was going to be like going into another dimention but i didnt believe it to me it was just a regulation of what i study the day before as soon as the service began i herd the name AHNSAHNGHONG,it cought my attention but i didnt say anything until after as i asked all the questions were answere thru the bible and AHNSAHNGHONG was tetify to be the name of 2nd comming christ. now i know more confidently that i DO enter in another dimention on the sabbath i know that i worship true GOD AHNSAHNGHONG....

Word of God is like a Sea clear as Crystal

Word of God is like a Sea clear as Crystal